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Is PEMF Safe? | What the Research Says

Writer's picture: Cell Coil TeamCell Coil Team

PEMF is a safe and effective way to treat chronic pain, inflammation, and other health concerns. Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) devices literally infuse your body with energy when you need it most. The best part? It's non-invasive, drug-free and completely safe.

Many people who suffer from chronic pain or acute injury symptoms prefer to use PEMF therapy because it does not have the same risks as medication or surgical treatments. For example, PEMF is not addictive like many prescription-strength painkillers can be.

In this article, we'll discuss the safety aspects of PEMF therapy using direct references to the latest research on this subject.

What is PEMF?

What exactly is PEMF therapy? It's a therapy that uses electromagnetic fields to potentially promote healing within your body. These pulsating electromagnetic waves are applied to specific areas of your body, aiming to stimulate natural processes and support your overall well-being.

Of course, that can sound a little scary and overwhelming. You're probably still wondering if PEMF is safe and how you can be sure.

Is PEMF Safe?

Yes! Experts agree that PEMF is safe to use.

Historical PEMF Perspective

Scientists have been exploring the potential of electromagnetic field therapy since the 20th Century. Although this tool has been used in medical settings for quite some time, there haven't been any major safety concerns or alerts about it.

You can often find PEMF devices in primary care clinics, orthopedic surgeon's offices, physical therapy clinics, and other medical settings.

Research about PEMF

Over the years, a lot of research has been done about the potential benefits of PEMF therapy. These benefits include things like pain relief, improved cognition, better sleep and so much more.

Researchers all over the world have investigated the safety of PEMF and found that it is safe and has no serious side effects. The following quotes have been gathered from researchers in Europe, Asia, South America, and other places around the world.

Here's what the experts have to say about the safety of PEMF:

  • "PEMF is safe, inexpensive, and noninvasive," said authors Motohiro Okada PHD, Jin Hwan Kim MD, Sangwook Tim Yoon MD PhD and William C Hutton DSc. in the Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques

  • "PEMF is safe and is associated with significant... post-treatment improvements in symptoms. The treatment was well tolerated with no or little pian and no adverse events were reported," wrote researcher Yegor Kolodchenko in the Women's Health Reports.

  • "PEMF is safe and has no side effects," said a panel of doctors and university professors in the Frontiers of Bioengineering and Biotechnology.

  • "PEMF is safe and effective for treating aged skin. Treatment improved skin condition, decreasing skin laxity, attenuating wrinkles, and smoothing facial and neck contour, with no pain or undesirable side effects," reported a panel of doctors and university professors in Dermatology Research and Practice.

  • "PEMF is a safe, effective, and painless approach to treat facial rhytides and suitable to answer the demands of patients for safe treatments without pain or downtime," reported three representatives from the Division of Cosmetic Science in Hamburg, Germany. Their findings were published in The Journal of Drugs in Dermatology.

  • "PEMF therapy presents several advantages including non-invasiveness, safety, lack of toxicity... and the possibility of being combined with other available therapies. Indeed, PEMF stimulation has already been used in the context of various cancer types," wrote researchers in a study published in Cancer Medicine.

  • "PEMF has a long term record of safety," acknowledged researchers who published their findings in the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology.

  • "The use of PEMF is safe," concluded a panel of 13 doctors who contributed to a report in The Spine Journal.

  • "PEMF with short-term use provides a significant improvement in the condition of KOA patients. PEMF is well tolerated and does not cause serious complications," determined four contributors who published their findings in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases.

  • "The publication of hundreds of RCTs have consistently demonstrated the efficacy and safety of PEMF technology," wrote researcher Thomas A. Sharon in his doctoral dissertation for Brandman University.

Although all of those researchers have studied different things, they generally agree that PEMF is a safe treatment. It is non-invasive and drug-free, which makes it a preferred treatment for many patients. PEMF is often used in conjunction with other therapies and treatments.

Doctors Endorse It

There are many doctors that recommend PEMF treatments to their patients for various medical needs. The following list is just a few of the doctors who publicly endorse this treatment.

Of course, if you don't live in an area with a PEMF provider, that's okay! Having a PEMF machine of your own is the most convenient way to receive consistent treatments anyway.

Known Side Effects

If you're still wondering if PEMF is safe, consider the fact that it has no known serious side effects. In fact, most research indicates that it has no side effects at all!

Here are some quotes from the research:

  • "This therapy is thus a useful complementary treatment option with no side effects," wrote researchers in Bioelectromagnetics.

  • "Few side effects were observed," wrote researchers in Biological Psychiatry.

  • "PEMF can be delivered to adults with chronic pain... with minimal to no inconvenience or side effects," wrote researchers in Pain Research and Management.

We did find one study that noted some mild-to-moderate dermatitis in the area where the skin had been exposed to patches.


Of course, it's always important to consult with a medical professional before beginning any sort of medical treatment. Just because PEMF is considered safe and effective does not mean it is right for you.

For example, we do not recommend using PEMF if you are pregnant or using a pacemaker.


To wrap it all up, the research and expert opinions indicate that PEMF is safe. The reported side effects are typically very mild and temporary. The answer to "Is PEMF safe?" is YES!



We are a family owned business. Steve Richards has over 25+ years doing research and development as a medical process engineer. John Richards has worked with other PEMF companies, involving the development of devices and research of PEMF studies. Tim and Mike Patch have been marketing and designing product campaigns for over 10 years.

Cell Coil products have not been evaluated by the FDA. Cell Coil is intended for the beneficial effect as set forth in the directions and instruction literature. These products do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition. Always consult your medical doctor regarding any health concerns. The use of a PEMF device is contraindicated for people with pregnancy, epilepsy, bleeding, implanted metals and pacemakers.

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